Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Relax, Meditate - Experience the Joy of Life

From time immemorial, human endeavor has been to constantly improve the quality of life. Many of our fellow beings have contributed significantly towards this with inventions such as Electricity, Industrialisation, Automobiles etc. In today's digital world we can access information across the world, right from our living room helping us lead a comfortable life. 

However in the demanding modern world, many of us face a good amount of stress in our professional as well as our personal lives. When our mind is cluttered with thoughts, pre-occupied with worries about the things to do, afraid of failure, we are unable to focus, remain in the present nor make the right decisions. 

Pushes and Pulls of Life 

Even when we are with our our loved ones, we don't seem to partake in the simple joys of the present  moment as our mind seems to somehow wander off. When we go to sleep at night, all the worries and thoughts surround us, depriving us the much needed sound sleep.

In my experience over the period of many years, I have come to appreciate a simple fact . In spite of the best of the external comforts unless my mind is relaxed and calm, I don't seem to experience the simple moments of joy. This affects the overall quality of life, in the long term leading to health issues, anxiety, depression etc.   

How to manage stress, stay focussed and improved your health?
Just as the roots of the tree are vital to the strength and sustenance of its existence, so is our inner being strengthened by relaxing our body and mind. 

It has been scientifically proven that Relaxation and Meditation helps individuals cope up with stress, enable better focus, decision making, improve sleep resulting in better health.

Learn to Meditate

Meditation helps strengthen your mind akin to working out in gym to strengthen your body. By relaxing our body and regulating our mind, we learn to to be balance and develop the ability to withstand the pushes and pulls of life. We become a coherent being and are able to lead a calm, stress-free, balanced life. Thereby allowing us to improve our health and the overall quality of life.  

Relaxation and meditation are simple techniques which are practiced by many people from all walks of life around the world wide today. Be positive, health and Experience the Joy of Life. Cheers !!


  1. Very nice article about Relaxation and Meditation.

  2. Thank You Amar for your feedback.

  3. Although we all know that Meditation helps strengthening our minds, we still go to the gymnasium to develop over all body physique. Yet we let our mind wander and never bother to ponder upon it.. So, this article does help in it!

  4. Thanks a lot Mr.Mukesh !! Appreciate your comments

  5. Very nicely explains on how meditation strengthens the mind. Can you share more details on how to meditate and relax ?

  6. You can register on this link to experience heartfulness meditation guided by a certified trainer http://en.heartfulness.org/practice-heartfulness-with-a-guide/
    You will be contacted by a Heartfulness trainer through email and will be guided through three or four meditation sessions on consecutive days. The meditation sessions can be conducted remotely or in person, as mutually convenient.
    There are no charges for the Heartfulness practice, the meditation sessions, or any teaching offered through heartfulness website.

  7. This is something new.... i want to explore more on heartfulness

  8. Thanks Sunil for sharing the importance of Meditation in our day to day life. It's so true to unclutter the mind, allow it to relax and go deeper inside. It would be prudent to give it a sincere try, do the Heartfulness meditatation and experience the effects personally. Thanks once again.

  9. It is amazing to experience how this simple Heartfulness approach creates overall balance.
